How often should you get your dental handpieces maintained and repaired?
Most dentists will have up to ten handpieces in their occupancy at any one time, and all of these will need daily maintenance, after use, as well as a ‘tune-up’ or repair at least once per year, if not on a six-month basis. High-speed drills with revolutions of up to 400,000 – 500,000 per minute will require more frequent maintenance to ensure they continue working optimally, and to reduce the chance for major repair, while slower handpieces may last for a year before they need to be disassembled and rebuilt again. If you send your handpieces to me on a six to 12 month basis, I can keep your handpieces running as good as new. I offer free shipping on all repairs and I guarantee my work, so print out the forms on my website at and send in your handpiece. If you need any assistance, please call me at 1-800-569-5245. Thank you.